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Hazel Muffins
Scottish Fold

Surprising and Sometimes Creepy Signs Your Cat Loves You šŸ˜‰

Writer's picture: hazelmuffincatshazelmuffincats


Cats love their kittens. Cats groom their kittens. If your cat grooms you, youā€™ve officially been adopted into the cat family.


All that head-butting and rubbing up against you isnā€™t designed simply to plaster your clean clothes with cat hair. No, itā€™s actually another way your cat is claiming you as her own by imparting her scent onto your body. Just be grateful your male cat hasnā€™t sprayed you.

ā€œLove bitesā€

These nibbles arenā€™t designed to draw bloodā€¦ at least intentionally. Rather, they hark back to the days when your cat was a wee kitten, playing and nipping at his siblings. Itā€™s an affectionate form of play thatā€™s intended to say, ā€œYouā€™re part of my crew. Letā€™s have fun.ā€

Peeing on the bed

Hopefully this doesnā€™t become a habit, but if your cat wets your bed, interpret it not as a defiant slap in the face, but as another way your cat is laying claim to you as his favorite human. Itā€™s certainly not a fun form of affection, but hey, now maybe youā€™ll be a little less angry the next time it happens. No?

She brings you dead ā€œgiftsā€

Thereā€™s nothing like having a dead mouse, bird or insect dropped at your feet. When your cat brings you an offering, itā€™s really just a sign she wants to share her bounty with you as an esteemed member of her family. Thank her graciously before figuring out how to rid your house of the unfortunate present.

Cuddling and purring

Cats purr for lots of reasons, but they save the deep, rumbling purrs for when theyā€™re relaxed and happy. If your cat cuddles up on your chest and lets the purring commence, you can feel fairly confident itā€™s because your cat loves and trusts you.

Belly up

Animals donā€™t bare their bellies in the wild unless they feel safe. When your cat rolls over and shows you his belly, itā€™s a sign heā€™s not worried youā€™re about to make a meal out of him. That may not seem as significant as a skywritten ā€œI love you,ā€ but when you stop anthropomorphizing your pet, youā€™ll realize itā€™s really just as good.

Close sleeping

When you consider basic animal instinct, the hours spent sleeping are the most vulnerable hours of the day. Itā€™s important for cats to sleep where they feel safe, so if your cat sleeps on or around you, itā€™s a surefire sign she doesnā€™t see you as a threat. And as an extension, your cat loves you.

Paw kneading

That lovely kneading of your thighs is really just your catā€™s way of trying to get you to produce more milk.

Sort of.

Kittens knead their mama cat while they nurse as a way to stimulate milk production. One theory as to why adult cats knead their humans is that they associate the kneading action with the bygone happiness of nursing. So if your cat is happy and content, he may start kneading you. Weird.

Slow blinking

Slow blinking is the equivalent of a kiss in cat terms. Itā€™s not necessarily the blink itself that does it, but the catā€™s willingness to stare deep into your eyes as he shares his innermost cat feelings. A long stare, slow blink and long stare prove your cat trusts and loves you. Itā€™s only right that you return the stare.

Tail twitch

Like dogs, cats communicate a lot through body language, particularly how they hold or move their tails. If your cat approaches you with her tail upright with a slight twitch at the tip or a question mark-shaped curve that moves from one side to the other, consider this the ā€œhappy tail.ā€ Your cat is thrilled to see you.

Creepy shadow

Cats are solitary animals, perfectly content to spend their days alone. If your cat voluntarily follows you around, even if itā€™s at a distance, you can feel confident itā€™s because she loves you.

Itā€™s a common misconception that our feline friends are not affectionate creatures. Yes, itā€™s true that earning the love of a cat is not always easy, but when a cat begins to show trust and adoration for you, thereā€™s often no better feeling of accomplishment.



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