Have you ever been to a cat show before? It’s a place where people who own cats take them to show them off and have them judged and, hopefully, they’ll win lots of ribbons.
So, just what happens at a cat show? A cat show is where cat breeders and owners take their cats to compete with other cats that are the same color and breed. A cat show is a judged event where the owners of cats compete to win titles in various cat registering organizations by entering their cats to be judged after a breed standard. Each cat entered in the show is looked at by a trained judge. Most shows have at least 6 judges, and some have 8 or more. Each judge handles the cats in their own “ring” and each judge gives their top awards to those cats they handle.

Both pedigreed and companion (or moggy) cats are admissible, although the rules differ from organization to organization. Cats are compared to a breed standard, and the owners of those judged to be closest to it are awarded a prize. Moggys are judged based on their temperament. Often, at the end of the year, all of the points accrued at various shows are added up and more national and regional titles are awarded.
Cat show is also an event for people who love cats to go and see all of the different breeds, meet and talk to the breeders, watch the judges evaluate the cats, and maybe even find a special treat or toy for their own cat at one of the vendor booths.
If you’ve never been to a cat show and don’t know what one is, you’ve been missing a lot of fun!